The Only Promise That Remains

Reba McEntire feat. Justin Timberlake (Reba’s 31st album)

when the ground beneath you starts a shaking
and you forget the place we came from
came from
when your lost and looking for a way home
your way home to me
i’ll come out and find you
when the world around you starts a moving
and you should wonder if i still love you
love you
if you feel a darkness coming
rising inside
i’ll make a light to guide you back home

and after all the sky is falling down
and after all the waters washed away
my love’s the only promise that remains

when your doubts have got you thinking
nothings ever really sacred
and you’re afraid you might believe it

believe in me
and i’ll give you a ‘reason’
cause the world around us keeps on moving
and there’s no doubt that
i still love you
love you
so when you feel a darkness coming
rising inside
i’ll make a light to guide you back home

and after all the sky is falling down
and after all the waters washed away
my love’s the only promise that remains

and after all the sky is falling down

after all the sky is falling down

and after all the waters washed away
after all the waters washed away

my love’s the only promise that remains

nTjep on Penutupan PONSEL 2007

all that i can say is maybe this is nTjep’s last show on Electrical’s student activity. brought 2 mixed music from 4 kind of music.

a lot of fun there, although the stage is small enough for the vocals to do their dance but they made a very interactive show with all the audience. terribly sorry that we (as players) didn’t come out with our best Sound Out, emoticon dunno why.. there’s some problems with my sound out and galih’s bass set.

but nothing is better than make our audience crazy, excited, and amazed… emoticon (hope so..)

last show personnel :

  • Sani : Vocal 1
  • Yunan : Vocal 2
  • Fariz : Vocal 3
  • M. Yulnan : Vocal 4
  • Alit : Guitar
  • Arief (A i X) : Guitar
  • Galih (G02) : Bass
  • Muhlis (QQ) : Drum

Track List :

  1. Four Seasons – Zui Mei Li De Hui Yi ++ KKHH – Koi Mil Gaya
  2. Slam – Gerimis Mengundang ++ BBB – Lets Dance Together

Aji have made the record of the show with 3gp style… want some?? give me a call…

but.. does anyone have the pictures??? 


well… i think i didn’t do something wrong…

and i never mean it… 

but why you keep thinking like that?

Whew . . . and I wish you . . .

Yellow Card – Gift and Curses

(She is the one), but I have a purpose,

I see your face with every punch I take,
and every bone I break, it’s all for you.
And my worst pains are words I cannot say,

still I will always fight on for you.

Yellow Card – Only One

Made my mistakes, let you down
And I can’t, I can’t hold on for too long
Ran my whole life in the ground
And I can’t, I can’t get up when you’re gone

And something’s breaking up (breaking up)
I feel like giving up (like giving up)
I won’t walk out until you know

Here I go, scream my lungs out and try to get to you
You are my only one
I let go, but there’s just no one that gets me like you
You are my only my only one

Incubus – Wish You Were Here

The world’s a roller coaster
And I am not strapped in
Maybe I should hold with care
But my hands are busy in the air saying:

I wish you were here
Wish you were here …

Yah. . . We’ll see . . .

me: how??
him: ditunda… LAGI!!!
: ditunda sampe kapan?
him: kapan2…
me: emoticon
him: trus ya mo digimanain, dipaksa ntar malah gak kuliah…
: trus aku kudu lapo kie? meneng ae? opo aku menghilang ae ya?
him: yo kan mengko tambah parah kondisine nak diterus2no
him: mending ngalah… orang sabar kan kekasihnya banyak
me: lha iyo iku… emang dia bakal tanya ke saya…emoticon nyapa saja tidak…
him: ya sekarang kl batu lawan batu jadinya gini…
him: kenapa salah satu gak jadi bantal… empuk… enak
me: kenopo ga langsung ngomong ae lek aku kudu dadi bantal?? emoticon
him: bisa jadi salah satunya kan?
me: jadi sekarang harus menunggu?
him: ya makanya jangan menunggu… dimulai..
him: besarkan hati.. ditata ngomongnya, intonasinya, mimik wajahnya..
him: jan arek kok gak ngartis blas
me: itu yang susah… ati-ku semacam ga gelem ngalah…
him: belajar… toh efeknya jg bakalan banyak
me: kenapa harus ke dia dan bukan orang lain aj?
him: ya itu dia masalahnya.. batu ketemu batu kan
me: ya ancen aku ngerti asline aku kudu lapo…
me: cuman yo iku mau.. sedang mencari pembelaan plus jalan melarikan diri
him: trus gak nemu… akhire pasrah… emoticon
him: ya sudah terus aja lari.. dan nikmati hasilnya ntar emoticon
me: emoticon
him: ho ho ho
him: kl kondisi yang ada berbeda dgn keinginan.. wajar… jenenge wong urip emoticon
me: mek iso ngomong.. “tapi…” mbuh terusane opo….
him: initnya kan “kenapa ngga membuka hati buat yang membutuhkan? sedangkan tuhan membuat manusia sebagai makhluk paling sempurna dengan adanya hati dan pikiran?”
me: ya tak mengkompromikan diri dulu deh…
him: silakan emoticon
me: lek aku ngomong ga iso mesti ngko ngomong moso ga iso.. yo kan?
him: gak i…emoticon mungkin sudah waktunya.. mek semono thok? emoticon
me: *cik… maringono diomong lemah ??
him: ngga jg… mengutip kata2 teman angkatan 2002
him: jarene ceh.. “kapan dewasane?” emoticon
me: emoticon
me: y y y….

Ya Sudahlah…. We’ll see….. *phewww…. cek angele,,,, emoticon

And I am Still …


still like yesterday… still like those ordinary days…

everything stand still… coz i am stand still…


still like i used to be… still so far away…

far away from her… from those loves… from perfection…


I am stand still…

is it too much? or is too less?

is it better to shutdown? or is it better to reboot?

is it better to … … …

When Designers Unavailable

Almost all web development
projects require photography, illustration, or maybe web template at
once. that’s why web developer needs a designer, to gather and meets
clients requirements, display an acurate, natural, original, and the
one and only works.. emoticon

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sites often costs much less than hiring a designer (on both times and
budget). emoticon

a designer and a web programmer my self, i used to built the design my
self, or have others to design as a recommendation from my boss.

And actually i never download or purchased web templates from stock sites, coz i rather built it my self emoticon (Need some??? just call me emoticon).
But i used to purchasing those royalty-free images from stock sites,
coz i’m able to combine photos better than built it from zero. emoticon

There are many stock sites with large collections and varieties prices (and better to choose the free one emoticon). here’s my favorite : emoticon

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Preman koq masuk rumah sakit??

Siang-siang habis sarapan (awan koq sarapan ) dapet berita menggemparkan.. devy rizka ngamar di RSPN.. wew… lapo maneh iki, prasaan trakhir ketemu kayake sek apik ae… Setelah koordinasi yang cukup lama, akhirnya berbondong-bondong deh kesana setelah menunggu genteng yang berlagak menjadi gentlemen mengantar calon mammanya naek travel.. , bareng ama Galih, Genteng, Gamma, Chebby, Mendhol,… Continue reading Preman koq masuk rumah sakit??