Terlalu Dangkal?

kafet kami menyebutnya.. dari pagi hingga larut malam.. bagi sebagian orang mungkin hanya sekedar tempat makan, tempat mengerjakan praktikum (seperti sahabat saya diatas), sekedar bertegur sapa, menggantikan bersks-sks jam kuliah, atau bahkan memb…

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there’s a time when me prefer to choose hot chocolate than coffee, over dinner with fellow friends, spend drinks, coffees, cigars.. plowing those same places.. talk about almost anything, from schools to sports, politics to jokes, and at any other…

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some says life is just like a game.. oh ya? me think so for some reason.. but don’t at the others… yo can save your game just in case to play it later, restart the game form some starting point, or just insert more coins… but.. can you do that…

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